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Add a Subsection

This is where the content hierarchy of your website is created. The content hierarchy is defined as sections with subsections which are web pages. Here one can also enter the content of web pages.

Navigate to Content > Pages > Sections in the admin area.


Custom pages section is represented as a hierarchy of sections and subsections. This hierarchy is implemented in the form of the table consisting of the following columns:

  1. The title (of sections and their subsections)

  2. The address (the names of sections or subsections written in Latin script. The address is displayed in an address bar.)

  3. A Menu (the menu type this section is assigned to)

  4. A Language (i.e. language version of the section and its subsections)

  5. Actions (what one can do with the section and its subsections)

Each section or subsection is a page. The only difference is that the ones (subsections) are subordinates of others (sections). Thus, for clarity sake, we call these pages “sections” and “subsections”.

Menus on website

Sections and subsections fall into three different menus.

Menu Location

The way it looks like on the website



(The menu is visible when a section or subsection created precisely in Content is selected by a user)



A section can be configured to not display in a menu at all.

A sidebar menu can be set up in the Configuration section.

One can choose the pages to display in different menus using the Navigation section.

Add a Section


Since sections and subsections are added one after another (a new one is added to the end of the list) you should have a clear understanding of the sequence of sections (and subsections) within different types of menus. One can change the order of sections within a menu in the “Navigation” section.


To add a section you need to click the “Add” button.

This will open a form for adding a page.

The page:

  • Can be a section or a subsection;

  • Can or cannot be added to the menu;

  • Can be a page in any language available.

Basic Data

Enter the name of a page:

The address and the title H1 will be entered automatically.

If you want to change the address or title H1 you need to clear the text field and type a new address or title.


Since we are creating a section leave the name as it is “Section”.

Choose what type of menu the section will be displayed in.

Click the down arrow to open a drop-down list of menus.

Select the appropriate menu from the list.

If the Multilingualism module is enabled you can select a language which the section will be displayed in.


This is what a section is created for: information essential for a buyer.

Fill in the form.

Add any information and pictures. You can do any required formatting in a content editor like you do using MS Word.

When the text editor field has been completed please click the “Save” button.

Once you’ve done this, the new section will show up in the sections list in the admin area. The section will also appear on the website – in the menu that it was assigned to upon creation.

Search Engine Optimization Attributes

Completing the Search Engine Optimization Attributes form is necessary for website promotion. For details see Optimizer Module.

Actions with section

Once a section has been created it can be edited or deleted. To do so you need to use the dropdown menu in the “Actions” column.


In the admin area

Choose a section to edit and click the gear button.

In the dropdown list that appears select Edit.

This will open a page similar to that for adding a section. Fill out the fields in the same manner as you did in the “Add a Section” part of the present instructions.

On the website

Click on the name of a section in the admin area.

Once you’ve done that the selected section with the “Edit text” button will be opened in a new browser tab.

Click the “Edit” button. This will bring up a text editor (in the same manner as in the “Add Content” part).

Make all necessary modifications and save them by clicking the “Save” button.

Upon saving all changes will appear on the website.


If it is necessary to delete a section one should remember:

  1. A section (with all information) will be permanently deleted.

  2. In case there are subsections in a section they will automatically be subsections of the superior section.

To delete a section click on the gear button in the “Actions” column in the string that contains a section to be deleted.

From the subsequent drop-down list select the “Delete” button.

Once you have clicked the “Delete” button you should confirm the deletion. A confirm screen will appear asking if you are sure you want to delete the section.

Once you click “Yes” the section will be permanently deleted.

If there were subsections in the “How to choose the right size” section they would be subsections of the ”Questions and Answers” section.

Add Subsection

There are two ways to add a subsection:

  1. Click the “Add” button

  2. Select the section and add a subsection using the “Actions” menu.

Let’s us consider both variants.

By clicking the “Add” button

One can add a subsection in the manner as he or she did when adding a section (Please refer to “Add a section” part of the present instructions). The only difference lies in the “is a” field.

So then you need to click the “Add” button. This will bring up a form to be completed. Fill in all the fields as you did in the “Add a section” part.

In the “is a” string click the down arrow in the “Section” field.

When the drop down menu shows up click on the “Subsection” option.

Once you have done this a new field will appear to select a section which the new subsection is assigned to.

Click on the down arrow to the right of a section name.

You will see a list of options to select the desired section.

To save the settings you need to click the “Save” button.

Upon saving the new subsection will be displayed in the admin area.

You can also see the new subsection within the chosen section on the website.

Using the “Actions” menu

To add a subsection using the “Actions” menu you should select the desired section and click the gear button.

This will bring up a dropdown menu with a list of options. Select the “Add a subsection” option.

Next a form for adding a subsection will be opened. This form will show the section this subsection is assigned to.

Fill in all the fields as you did in the “Add a section” part of the present instructions and save the changes by clicking the “Save” button.


After saving a subsection will appear in the admin area.

And on the website

Actions with a Subsection

Subsections as well as sections can be edited or deleted.


There are two ways of editing a subsection:

  1. In the admin area using the “Actions” menu (please refer to the “Editing in the admin area” part)

  2. On the subsection page on the website (please refer to the “Editing on the website” part)


To delete a subsection you need to click on the gear button in the “Actions” column.

In the dropdown list that appears click the “Delete” option.

To delete a subsection you should confirm your choice. If you are sure you want to delete the section click “Yes”.

Once you click “Yes” the section will be deleted.

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