"OT Scanner" Mobile Application helps warehouse employees in China to scan using smartphone parcels barcodes from Chinese sellers and mark which goods from which order is already received at the warehouse.

"OT Scanner" Application is available for smartphones on Android 5.0 and higher.

"Autopurchase" Module is required.


  • Availablity. Unlike a special scanning device designed specifically for warehouses, smartphone is cheaper and the range of suitable brands is wide. You need to buy a warehouse scanner for a particular model, under which the work is "sharpened" (we take into account the fact that application synchronizes data with OT Box and changes orders status via wi-fi or mobile Internet).
  • Clarity. The application is simple and does not require long training and special education.
  • Simplicity. Many warehouse tools are universal and created to solve complex problems. "OT Scanner" application solves a narrow range of tasks and is specially adapted for OT Box. Therefore, all operations after authorization are performed by pressing a pair of buttons.
  • Saves time. Manual identification of parcel (what is inside, to which order belongs) takes away strength, takes time and tires the eyes. Scanning code is a simple action that does not require a lot of effort, therefore parcel identification is faster and warehouse employee can process more parcels per shift.

How to buy?

"OT Scanner" Mobile Application is a paid addition for your business development!

Contact OT manager in your Skype chat to purchase this module and follow further instructions given.

Besides, manager will answer your questions on module and methods of payment.

Check module price: https://en.otcommerce.com/prices-and-promo#2


How it works?

Make sure you have "Autopurchase" module before installation.

You will get a file from OT managers that you should install to all smartphones that will be used to scan incoming parcels.

It's necessary to authorize after installation (login and password are the same as for OT Box).

You can start working with parcels after authorization.

Read detailed instruction how to set and work with OT Scanner Mobile Application

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