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Important! We install PayPal for free. However, please note that PayPal doesn't like Taobao and therefore there is a risk of account blocking. If you take a positive decision, OpenTrade Commerce is not responsible for cooperation with this payment system.

Only 1 way is supported at the moment, in which buyer is sent to PayPal page where he chooses how to pay.

To have PS integrated into your site, you should take the following steps:

  1. Conclude an agreement with payment system.
  2. Review below instruction
  3. Set up your account or digital wallet (at your discretion) in PayPal:
  • On your own, using below instruction.
  • Allow access to your account/e-wallet, thus all necessary settings will be made by OpenTrade Commerce specialists.

4. Provide necessary data to OpenTrade Commerce specialists in support request for modification when setting up the account/e-wallet independently.

We recommend you to make a test payment for a small sum to check system availability once PayPal is integrated.  



PayPal Fees


Legal form

Legal Entity , and Self-employed

Commercial Entity Agreement: https://www.paypal.com/usuk/webapps/mpp/ua/ceagreement-full

User Agreement for PayPal Service: https://www.paypal.com/usuk/webapps/mpp/ua/useragreement-full

Service Area

PayPal is available in more than 200 countries and supports 25 currencies. Send and receive payments easily over borders and language barriers. More information

How to connect

FAQ: https://www.paypal.com/usuk/webapps/helpcenter/helphub/home/

Data table

Information for OpenTrade Commerce
IDusually account owner email+
Payment interface language +
Seller's country +
Currency +

Registration in PayPal

Go to https://www.paypal.com/usuk/webapps/mpp/paypal-fees

Click "Sign up" in top right corner:

Choose "Business Account":

Click "Continue":

Enter your email address:

Click "Continue":

Complete registration formform paying special attention to "Password" field (it is important to make such a password that you can enter, but which is difficult to hack):

Click "Agree and Continue"

Write Legal Corporate Form

when registration form is complete:

Choose Business type:

  • Individual;
  • Sole trader;
  • Partnership;
  • Public company;
  • Private company;
  • Not-for-profit organization;
  • Government entity.

Choose business category and sub-category:

Enter URL (website address from which payments will be accepted). Then click "Continue":

Enter nationality, date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy) and home address (if it's not the same as business address) or put a tick (if it's  the same as business address):Enter your personal contact information

Click "Submit":

Registration is finished. Confirm email and your email  to receive payment notifications from PayPal. Just follow instructions sent to your email address by payment system.

It is recommended to set coding settings UTF-8.

Login to your personal account at PayPal and follow next steps:

Seller settings -> Language encoding of payment buttonts in PayPal -> Additional options button

(or use link https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/customerprofileweb?cmd=_profile-language-encoding)

and move to "Profile" option:

Choose "Profile and Settings" option:

Choose "My selling preferences": 

Find "More selling preferences" and click "PayPal button language encoding":

Click "More options":

Set Encoding Options Make settings for UTF-8 encoding by the following way:


Image Modified

Confirm by "Save" button.

Support request

It is necessary to make support request to connect PayPal. Write the following information in ticket:

  1. Payment system title where you registered
  2. ID — usually account owner email
  3. Payment interface language
  4. Seller's country
  5. Currency

Creating ticket

Login in OT Commerce support system, go to Commerce support system and choose "Create ticket for service" option on the left:


Choose "Connection of the payment system":


You will see a form of request for connection:
Click "Send" button after you complete the form.

Documentation for programmers (developers)



Payment System Enabling

To have PS integrated into your site, you should take the following steps:

  1. To conclude an agreement with PS
  2. To review the General section
  3. To set up your account or digital wallet (at your discretion) in chosen PS:
  • On your own, using Settings Details section of the chosen Payment Systems.
  • To allow access to your account/e-wallet, thus all the necessary settings will be made by OpenTrade Commerce specialists.

4. To provide the necessary data, specified in chosen Payment System Settings Features section, to support service in request for modification when setting up the account/e-wallet independently.

Once PS is integrated we recommend you to make a test payment for a small sum to check the system availability. 

Setting Features of Various Payment Systems 







Data for OpenTrade Commerce
