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"Search by photo" module was developed to help your customers quickly find the thing they need among millions of Chinese goods (Description of business benefits).

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How search by photo works?

Buyer visits your site and selects product provider (we recommend to set by default those product provider for which you have "Search by Photo" module).

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Then he clicks camera icon in the search bar and downloads a photo of necessary item from his computer.

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There is an automatic search and results appear on the page after a while.

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Then the buyer chooses the most similar version of the product from the proposed and makes an order if the found product suits parameters (for example, size).


Go to Configuration → Instance Configuration in admin panel and open "Search products" tab.

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Add into active search methods

Scroll down to "Active Search Methods" block.

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Check in the list on the left whether there are search methods with the name "Image search on". A separate search mehod is added for each product provider.

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You must add search method if it is not added into the list on the left.

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Click triangle to open drop-down menu.

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Search for necessary search method using search or scrolling.

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Select by clicking the mouse.

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Press button with a plus sign to add search method from list on the right to the list on the left.

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Click "Save" button when all search methods with the name "Image search on" are added.

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Change search method name

Check "Search products" tab in admin panel if it is required.

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Choose search method with "Image search on" name and product provider name in the list of available search methods (there is a separate "Image search on" method for each provider).

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Click mouse on selected search mehodmethod. A block for editing the name and order of goods sorting will open on the right.

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Click caption with dotted line to change search method name (to display).

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Write your title (your choice will meet your target audience or marketing strategy) in the field that opens:

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Save by clicking button with a tick:

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"Default order" is only available in sorting of search results in this search method:

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